The Newark City Council consists of ten council members; three At-Large and one from each of seven wards. Council members are elected to 4-year terms. The ward elections alternate with the at-large elections. Council members are paid a stipend of $9,217.52/year for their service.
Regular session meetings are held at 40 W. Main St., City Hall Council Chambers, 1st Floor on the 1st & 3rd Mondays of every month, except for Monday holidays (moved to Tuesday). Meetings start at 7:00 p.m.
The public is welcome to all meetings. Your input is important, and you are encouraged to contact your ward councilperson or any at-large councilperson to discuss issues of interest to you. Agendas are posted on the website by Thursday before the meeting; minutes are posted after the meetings.
For archived/prior year minutes a public records request can be made to the Clerk of Council at
At Large(2024-2027)
Bill Cost Jr.
Newark Commerce Center
195 Union St Suite B2D
(740) 403-8625
There are times when Council looks for participants to serve on task forces or ad hoc committees dealing with a single issue, such as trash removal, transit issues, charter review commission, etc. If you are interested, please contact the Clerk of Council by calling 740-670-7516.